Highlighted Story-FB 09/12/2011 2051 hrs. FROM-Zaza-Eejay Zulkifle Agel
Yeayyy another Pearl Haya hijab safely made its way home... Cometomama Pearly! This is d second purchase i made with Sheeha Shoppe and i totally praise their professionalism, speed and customer care. Service mantap :) thanks Sheeha n Co!
Unlike · · Share · 29 minutes ago near Kuala Lumpur · "
"Highlighted Story-FB 29/11/2011 1951 hrs..
Pearlhaya Nazila AmeySheeha Shoppe
tq sheeha..dh received tdg tgh hari td.cantik sgt2..nice doing business with u..
Like · · 26 minutes ago · "
" via email, 19/10/201 10pm- salam sheeha,
tdug da smpi smlm. aduh, cantekkk sgt.. mmg unexpected, igat brown color tp rupenye hijau lumut yg sush nk jmpe kaler ni, rmai yg tgur n puji hehe. thnx. i Allah nk bli lg..from-bell zahir"
" FB 11 Oct 2011, 04:00pm Zaza-Eejay Zulkifle Agel
Tudung received in a very good condition, great & friendly service. Thank u!"
"23 Aug11, 06:50 pm-SMS
"Dah,ari ni bru ambik kat post off,tq,mmg cantik.tq 4 d free brooch -Normah Perak:"
"22 Aug 11, 03:50 pm PM FB
"Salam sheeha,saya dah received tudung nya tadi pagi..cantik sekali,suka sangatt..:)) kalau ada yang baru,tag saya lagi ye..Hamidah Brunei"
"28 July 11, 03:50 pm
"Tudung dah sampai,lebih cantik dr gambar,tq 4 the gud service -Tanti Kelantan:"
"12 July 11, 03:50..From Wan Fatihah...wrote.. Memang tak patut...kalau nak bisnes ok.berilah servis yang terbaik..InsyaAllah dengan sendirinya bisnes kita akan maju.setakat ni,saya pernah beli tudung pearl dengan SheehaShopper Koleksi Indah , ....memang servis bagus..bila servis bagus,kita pun suka deal lagi dengan diorang...tq"
"16 April 11, 06:50
Shan Kepong: Sis tueg dh smpai...nice i likes.tq"
"15 April 11, 06:46
Normah: And i dah terima prev order yest. Superb service and the meterial very nice n comfy.tq"
"4 Mar 11, 10:24
sharifah: i've recevd d tudung on friday. thank u very much. very satisfyng service"
"umi: sheeha..da receive the tudung..love it! tq for ur excellent service
8 Mar 11, 19:19"
Hartini, Gemas
"...tudung2 tu dah slamat sy trima...cantik2, suka sgt..."
Shazwany, Cyberjaya
Norlia, Kuching
"...baru dpt tdg tadi, dah cuba...mmg cantik dan alhamdulillah muat pada muka.."

Syida, Sg Petani
"Sedap la pakai tudung Pearl Haya ni"
Adelen, Dungun
"Tq dah dpt tudung as expected loves the material...This is my 2nd pearlhaya..Nice!"
"Mmg saya dah jatuh hati dgn Pearl Haya, tak mengecewakan lagi"
Nelmy, Gombak
"...tdg dah sampai pg td..tq cantik la..dah pakai dah.."
Zckyra, Raub
"..Nice tudung. Suka awning dia. Tak pernah jumpa awning corduroy lg. Mmg smart sgt. Body tdg kain lembut sgt. Mcm silk rasanye. Klas la!.."
Sherliza, KK
"..Beautiful n elegant...i love it"
Fazila, Cheras
"..cantik n selesa..mesti mak ila suka.."
Hanny, Nilai
"Suke sgt2.."
"Sgt2 cntek.."
Safiza, Kulim
"..Selesa n cantik..kain dia best, lembut.."
Yati, Tg Malim
"..Puas hati sgt2"
Ainul, Kg Subang
"...Sy sukeeeeeeee sgt! Cantik n kualiti kain mmg kelas! Mmg berbaloi dgn harganya..Best!....kena promote kat kwn2 nih hehe brg baik kena share..Sharing is caring.."
Sarmilah, Nilai
"...tq dh dpt tdung..cntik sgt,...saya puas ati..material n dsgn cntk..husb pun puji lawa tdung"
Hjh Noor, Brunei
"Saya dah dapat tudung tu semua just now... semua cantik!..hehehe.. cara u lipat and packing the tudungs tu pun kemas... thank you!... insyALLAH, kalau saya nak lagi.. saya akan inform Sheeha. Just tag me if there is a new one..."
Hjh Bee, Brunei
Pearl Haya???...what is it?? i've been wondering..everyone here in Brunei have been talking about it. It is such a rage, so, as to satisfy my curiousity, I brought myself to go online and search for the so called pearl haya. The first website i came across is the main website pearl haya.com. I looked thru the site and found out that the pearl haya tudung is quite nice.
Thus, i search for more site, surfing thru trying to find any pearl haya agent beside the main ones, then i found out this site....>>>http://sheeha-shoppe.blogspot.com<<<...
The website...good
The service... Better
The delivery...Best
The effort...nice
The content...nicer
The tudung...nicest
that's it from me...come and buy from kak sheeha..she sure do is a trustworthy agent~~~ ;)
Kak Asma, Keramat
Salam thanks coz u let me try tudung2 tu, what a very good service, moga terus sukses n lebih dimurahkan rezeki oleh Nya. Berbaloi even agak mahal tapi selesa sangat bila pakai.
p/s sudilah kiranya customers Sheeha Shoppe menyumbangkan foto anda memakai tudung Pearl Haya untuk diabadikan di dlm blog ini..tq :)
Testimoni atau komen positif juga sangat2 dialu2kan...tq :)